︎ Emily Lew

Boba Quest Pre-launch Event 

branding identity, event experience design, logo design, production

Boba Quest is a gaming platform that blends the a digital boba game with MR, striving to build a community through our social media platforms, discord, and local Bay Area events.

Boba Quest held their pre-launch game demo event, hosting over 100+ people at Woodside Palo Alto. 

The challenge was to develop Boba Quest’s branding and lead the design production required for the event. The goal was to create a memorable and unique experience for all the atendees, while developing and integrating new Boba Quest branding. Working with the co-founder, I mapped out  brand touchpoint assets that were needed–such as wayfinding, signage, brochures, and memos, to create this exeperience. I concepted and designed and prepared the files for production.

Boba Quest Cafe, Statement Piece. The purpose of this structure was to create a statement peice for the event, while providing a Boba Quest Cafe themed photobooth area. I was responsible for drafting the concept of the structure, designing / providing production files, and sourcing decor material for the booth. Constructed by @decorinabox 

Brochure Design attendees received upon check-in. This lays out the schedule, events & activities available during the event.

Game Demo Experience

Merch Tent

Boba Quest Game is currently in development by Viridian Studios Inc. and will be available seamlessly on PC, mobile, or Nintendo Switch and play with your friends.

©2024 Emily Lew